I teach parents how to help their very unsettled newborn so that they can calm their baby with confidence.
How did I get here? Well, when I had my first son I did not expect him to be so unsettled. I couldn’t find the right answers to help him or address the underlying causes of his colic and reflux symptoms.
Over the next decade I decided to learn everything I could about providing the best support for babies like him.
Today, my osteopathic practice centres around treating very unsettled babies and helping their families navigate issues such as birth strain, colic, infant reflux and oral restrictions.
My online programs are designed to give you the exact framework I use to confidently calm your baby, build a supportive team of health professionals and address underlying causes without waiting for them to “grow out of it”.
Here’s how we can work together:
Burp Baby Better
Free Training
Learn my 3 step process to burp your baby better without relying on colic drops.
Colic Calmer Course
Online Program
Discover my 5-step framework to calm your newborn’s colic symptoms without waiting for them to "grow out of it"
Unsettled Newborn.
The Roadmap
Coming Soon
The complete program to recognise and manage symptoms related to colic, infant reflux, oral restrictions, birth strain and allergy.
I’ve helped hundreds of families support their unsettled newborns with issues such as colic, infant reflux, oral restrictions, birth trauma and more.
If you’ve felt that you have tried all the right things but your baby is still incredibly unsettled, you’re in the right place.
Through my simple, step-by-step trainings, you’ll learn how to ease your baby’s discomfort, build the right support team and address the underlying causes, without waiting for them to grow out of it.
Stop guessing.
Ready to dive in?
A little more about me…
1. Osteopath
After graduating as an osteopath in 2002 I opened my first osteopathic practice at the age of 23. I’ve spent many years learning about Biodynamic Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, paediatric osteopathic studies as well having a special interest in helping babies continue to breastfeed.
2. Mum
I’m a mother to two youngs boys and a miniature daschund called Lexie. We love being at the beach and you can find us there, all year round, walking, digging sand or swimming.
3. Online Programs
After first-hand experience of having a very unsettled baby I realised there is a huge gap between what we now know about colic and reflux, and the information parents are given. Having seen great improvements with the framework I use in clinic, I decided to package all my knowledge into online programs to help more families, wherever you may live.
Address the underlying cause so you can enjoy the newborn stage
I believe in giving you the skills and information you need early so that you can help your unsettled newborn without delay.