A Parent’s Guide To Nurture Nasal Breathing From Infancy
Oral Restrictions, Infant Reflux Michelle at Baby In Balance Oral Restrictions, Infant Reflux Michelle at Baby In Balance

A Parent’s Guide To Nurture Nasal Breathing From Infancy

Is your little one's mouth hanging open during sleep or rest? It might seem like a harmless habit, but habitual mouth breathing in children can have a lasting impact on their face and jaw development. Paying attention to subtle signs like lips apart and the tongue resting low in the mouth can make a significant difference in promoting optimal facial and jaw muscle development early on.

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What You Need To Know About Oral Restrictions (Tongue-Tie)
Oral Restrictions, Infant Reflux Michelle at Baby In Balance Oral Restrictions, Infant Reflux Michelle at Baby In Balance

What You Need To Know About Oral Restrictions (Tongue-Tie)

Tethered oral restrictions (TOTS) include anterior tongue tie, posterior tongue tie (submucosal), lip tie (labial), and buccal (cheek ties). Frenums, identified as thin lines between gums and lips (labial) or the floor of the mouth and the base of the tongue (lingual frenum), can become tight or restricted, impeding normal oral tissue function.

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